We're all volunteers, and we take no support from political parties, corporations, or organizations of any kind. We occasionally send out an appeal to help fund a project, e.g. the billboards that you've seen featured on each of these web pages. Otherwise, we're a small group and work mostly out-of-pocket.
We believe that 2015 is a critical year in our movement to make fracking and related industrial harms crimes in New York State law. The December 17, 2014 announcement that Governor Andrew Cuomo intends to issue a fracking "ban" (really a moratorium, as we explain on our home page) was a good first step and the result of hundreds of thousands of hours of work by thousands of committed individuals. But it was just a baby step.
In response, even as we work on other fronts to revoke corporate charters and force corporations to behave as subjects of citizens, as they were initially conceived to do, we intend to ramp up our outreach to communities that already have bans. We will engage them in discussion of criminalization and demonstrate why it strengthens the hard work they've already done. We will be holding public forums and traveling around the state.
We would be most grateful for your assistance. Sorry, we're just a grassroots organization, so we don't have a way to donate online and your donation is not tax-deductible. But we promise that every penny will be spent wisely and carefully in support of our mission.
Please send donations to FrackBustersNY PO Box 1347 Woodstock NY 12498